2016 Florida Pole Fitness Championship
Please join us for the 5th annual pole fitness competition in Florida, the Florida Pole Fitness Championship on Saturday April 30th, 2016 at The Plaza Live Theater in Orlando. It will be a spectacular alternative fitness and dance style show featuring the best Pole Athletes in the country! Special performances by Sarah Jade, Derick Pierson, Karol Helms and other surprise guest performers. This event is presented by OnlinePoleLessons.com.
The Florida Pole Fitness Championship is a competition focusing and promoting the art and sport of Pole Fitness. The mission of the Florida Pole Fitness Championship is to showcase, promote and unite the Florida Pole Fitness community.
Competitors will be judged on their individual choreographed routines. Each contestant may only compete in one division, Semi-Pro, Men’s, and Professional. The Florida Pole Fitness Championship will consist of 3 Divisions:
Semi-Pro Division
Professional Division
Men’s Division
The winner of the professional division will advance to compete in the Pole Championship Series Nationals held at the Arnold Sports Festival in Ohio 2017.
Come see this exciting, one of a kind event!